% if none of this makes sense, go to http://www.cranfordpub.com/tunes/abcs % February 2006 % This file contains 30 tunes composed by Irish accordionist Jim McGraw % transcribed from Jim's CD titled New Dance Music and Airs ... % Inspired by the Irish and Scottish traditions in Ulster % NOTE - metronome settings are arbitrary and may be adjusted using the Q field % The notes given in the history fields below come direct from Jim's ... % liner notes found in the CD and posted % http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm % you will also find sound clips for some of these tunes at that location % NOTE % Although an abc program installed in your computer has more functionality, % a browser can now convert a properly formatted abc tune to on-screen music. % Like the 'Hotmail concept', this enables translation of abc tunes from anyone's computer. % Just 'copy' an individual tune from the text file below % Then paste contents of your clipboard into on-line form. Submit and presto!! % for instructions go to http://www.cranfordpub.com % look for the link X:1 T:Bouncing Bellows R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:This tune was composed with a Cajun feel to it suitable for fiddle and accordion. L:1/8 Q:399 M:C| K:D AG|FD D/D/D DEFA|BG{A}GF GFED|CDEC A,CEA|BA A/A/A ABAG| FD D/D/D DEFA|BG{A}GF GFED|CDEC A,CEG|[1FAEF D2:|[2FAEF DEFA|| |:d3 e fedB|c/c/c cd edcA|~B3 c dcBc|[1A2 d2 c2 =c2| BG (3(B=c^c) dedB|ABAF DEFD|(3EFE D2 CC B,2|A,4 A,2 (3(ABc):| [2A2 F2 F2 FA|BG (3(B=c^c) dedB|ABAF DFAF|GB ~B2 cABc|dBAF D2|] X:2 T:The Boys of Bellanaleck R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:I thought this was a good title for a tune as it rolls easily off the tongue and what better boys than the world famous McConnell brothers from Bellanaleck who have given traditional music from Fermanagh its present elevated status. L:1/8 Q:399 M:C| K:G BG ~G2 DGBG|AGFE DEFD|DG ~G2 FGAB|cdfa gedc| BG ~G2 DGBG|AGFE D3B,|CE ~E2 DFAB|[1cAFA GBdc:|[2cAFA G2|| |:a2|bagb agfa|gfeg fedB|~c3 e gceg|abag fd d2| bg ~g2 af ~f2|gfeg fedB|~c3 e gceg|agfa g2 A2| BAGB AGFA|GFEG FEDB,|~C3 E GCEG|ABAG FD D2| BG ~G2 AF ~F2|GFEG FEDB,|~C3 E GCEG|AGFA G2 dc|] X:3 T:Monea Castle R:slow strathspey C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc N:Performance instruction - RUBATO USED N:Jim extends the last emphasized note of each line! N:This won't playback unless the abcs are altered. H:This plantation castle was built in 1618 by Rev. Malcolm Hamilton on a site some six miles from Enniskillen. Although it was burnt in the 18th century, it remains in a reasonable state of preservation. This composition tries to reflect its sad and somber history. L:1/8 Q:199 M:C K:A F|EC|D>EFA Bc/d/|c>BA>E FF|EC B,3 F| EC|D>EFA Bc/d/|c>BA>E FF|EA, A,3|| ||d|c2 c/B/c/d/ ecBA|d2 d/c/B/A/ GA|FF Ef|ee B2 {c/B}A>F| EC|D>EFA Bc/d/|c>BA>E FF|EA, A,3|] X:4 T:Jitter the Bow R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:An olden phrase used for coaxing youngsters into making a triplet on the fiddle. L:1/8 Q:300 M:6/8 K:G B|dBG AFD|GBd efg|dgf edc|BAG ABc| dBG AFD|GBd efg|dgf edc|BcA GBc| dcB cBA|GBd efg|dgf edc|BAG ABc| ded cBA|GBd efg|dgf edc|BcA G2|| |:B|BAB efg|afd cBA|GBd efg|agf gdc| bag agf|gdB cde|dBG ABc|def g2:| X:5 T:Melodious Accord (E minor) R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc N:on the recording Jim plays the tune in both A & E minor H:This brings about agreement between the Melodeon and the fiddle music L:1/8 Q:300 M:6/8 K:Edor Eed B2 A|BGF EFG|AdB ABG|FGE DFA| Bed B2 A|BGF EFG|AFD A,DF|EFD E2 z:| |:efe edB|BAG FGE|DFA dfe|dAG FED| GBd FAd|EGB e2 d|dAG FED|EFD E2 z:| X:6 T:Melodious Accord (A minor) R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw N:on the recording Jim plays the tune in both A & E minor Z:psc H:This brings about agreement between the Melodeon and the fiddle music L:1/8 Q:300 M:6/8 K:Ador Aag e2 d|ecB ABc|dge dec|BcA GBd| eag e2 d|ecB ABc|dBG DGB|ABG A2 z:| |:aba age|edc BcA|GBd gba|gdc BAG| ceg Bdg|Ace aba|gdc BAG|ABG A2 z:| X:7 T:Tween the Ditches R:hornpipe C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Many years ago people from Boho, Monea and Derrygonnelly would gather in our house in Cullen to sing, dance and joke the night away> My father who performed in many a concert hall in Fermanagh would bid them farewell in the early hours with the usual warning to drivers "keep her tween the ditches" L:1/8 Q:333 M:C| K:D ED|CDEF GECE|DFAd fdAF|GdcB AF ~F2|GBAF E2 ED| CDEF GECE|DFAd fdAF|GdcB Aged|(3cBA (3GFE D2:| ||FG|:ADFA BG (3Bcd|cABc defe|dABd AdFA|BG (3Bcd e2dB| AFEG FDDG|ADFA BGdB|Afed cAGB|[1AFEF D2 (3F=G^G:|[2AFEF D2|] X:8 T:Raphoe Rhapsody R:hornpipe C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:I dedicate this hornpipe to fiddle player and teacher Kathleen McGinley with whom I spent a full day some years ago at her home in Raphoe. I left her house that evening with a greater respect for the hornpipe, the barndances and flings. L:1/8 Q:333 M:C| K:A E|:A3 c eA c/d/e|ab (3agf ecAc|d(f ~f2) ecAc|B^ABc dBGB| AGAc eA c/d/e|ab (3agf ecAc|d(f ~f2) ecAc|[1BAGB A(E ~E2):|[2BAGB A2|| |:^A2|B(E ~E2) B,EBE|ABce aece|~d3 f a2 ba|gee^d e2 ag| f(d ~d2) Adfa|e(c ~c2) ABcA|~a3 f e(c ~c2)|BdcB A2:| X:9 T:The Fiddler Mick Hoy R:foxtrot C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Mick Hoy was born in Monea, lived most of his life in Blaney and played mainly in Derrygonnelly. His mother, father and brothers were all musical but Mick had a huge repertoire of tunes, songs and recitations which he shared willingly with everyone. L:1/8 Q:333 M:3/4 K:D (3ABc|d2 f3 d|A2 F3 D|G2 B3 d|AF D2 DE| F4 ({G/F/}E)F|[1G4 FG|A2 G2 F2|E4-E D|C4:| [2G2 A3 B|AF E2 C2|D4-D E|D4|| ||A2|AB cd ef|g2 f3 ({g/f/}e)|d2 G3 B|AF D2 (3ABc| d2 f3 d|A2 F3 G|A2 G2 F2|E4 ({G/F/}E)D|C4 (3ABc| d2 f3 d|A2 F3 D|G2 B3 d|AF D2 DE| F4 ({G/F/}E)F|G2 A3 B|AF E2 C2|D4-D E|D4|] X:10 T:Autumn's Golden Shades R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Refers to the beautiful transition of colour from green to brown to bare which is witnessed each October from our kitchen window in Drumbeggan. L:1/8 Q:300 M:6/8 K:A eaf e2 c|daf ecA|F/G/AF EAf|ecd B3| eaf e2 c|daf ecA|F/G/AF EA/B/c|dBG A3:| |:B3 Bcd|caf ecA|agf ecA|cBA BF/G/A| B3 Bcd|caf ecA|F/G/AF EA/B/c|dBG A3:| X:11 T:The Prince of Distillers R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:This was an honour conferred on the Knockmore poteen maker, George Howden, by local poet Peter McGuinness. His poteen, like his daring escapes from the gaugers are still fondly remembered in recitations and song. L:1/8 Q:300 M:6/8 K:D G|:FAd fga|gec dgf|eAA ged|cdB A2G| FAd fga|gec de/f/g|aba ged|[1cBc dAG:|[2cBc d2|| |:z|cAA eAA|ged cAG|EFG AB/c/d|efg a3| cAA eAA|ged cAG|EFG AGE|EDC D2:| X:12 T:In the Lane to Carran R:fling C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:These three flings take their titles from the townland of Drumbeggan. The mile-long concrete lane below our house leads In the Lane to Carran passing a large circle of trees known locally as The Fairy Fort and ending at The Poet's House (Peadar Burns) overlooking the lakes of Carran and Ross and the surrounding Boho countryside. A truly inspirational part of Fermanagh. L:1/8 Q:333 M:C| K:D E|DFEG FAAF|GA (3(Bcd) cAGE|DFEG FAAF|(3(GAG) FD EDCE| DFEG FAAF|GA (3(Bcd) cAGE|DFEG FAGB|Adce dDD:| |:e|fd ~d2 gdfd|edcB Aceg|fd ~d2 gdfd|edcB A2 de| fd ~d2 gdfd|edcB AF (3(GFE)|DFEG FAGB|Adce dDD:| X:13 T:The Fairy Fort R:fling C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:These three flings take their titles from the townland of Drumbeggan. The mile-long concrete lane below our house leads In the Lane to Carran passing a large circle of trees known locally as The Fairy Fort and ending at The Poet's House (Peadar Burns) overlooking the lakes of Carran and Ross and the surrounding Boho countryside. A truly inspirational part of Fermanagh. L:1/8 Q:333 M:C| K:A c2 Bc A2 AF|E2 CE A,fed|cA A/A/A fedc|dBBA B2 ed| (3(cdc) (3(BcB) ABAF|E2 CE A,feA|(3Bcd ef afed|[1c2 A2 A2 ed:|[2c2 A2 A2 z|| |:d|cA A/A/A eA A/A/A|fedf eA A/A/A|cA A/A/A fedc|dBBA B3 d| cA A/A/A eA A/A/A|fedf eA A/A/A|(3Bcd ef afed|[1c2 A2 A2 z:|[2c2 A2 A2 ed|] X:14 T:The Poet's House R:fling C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:These three flings take their titles from the townland of Drumbeggan. The mile-long concrete lane below our house leads In the Lane to Carran passing a large circle of trees known locally as The Fairy Fort and ending at The Poet's House (Peadar Burns) overlooking the lakes of Carran and Ross and the surrounding Boho countryside. A truly inspirational part of Fermanagh. L:1/8 Q:333 M:C| K:D FE|D2 DE DEFA|B2 BA BcdB|A3 B AFDF|E4 E2 FE| D2 DE DEFA|B2 BA BcdB|AF ~F2 GECE|D4 D2 (3(GFE)| D2 DE DEFA|B2 BA BcdB|Ad ~d2 defd|(3efd cB (3(ABA) (3(GFE)| D2 DE DEFA|B2 BA BcdB|AF ~F2 GECE|D2 d2 c2 =c2|| ||B3 A BcdB|A3 B AFDF|GB ~B2 AFDF|E4 E3 d| f3 g fedc|B2 BA BcdB|AF ~F2 GECE|D2 d2 c2 =c2| B3 A BcdB|A3 B AFDF|GB ~B2 Adfd|edcB AF (3(GFE)| D2 DE DEFA|B2 BA BcdB|AF ~F2 GECE|D4 D2|] X:15 T:Slithering R:slide C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Having enjoyed playing for Sets Ceilis all over the North with fiddle player, Charlie Woods, I composed these slides with rather zany titles. One particular Set Dance, The Ballyvourney Jig Set consists of five individual figures, and when danced non-stop consists of 552 bars of music. For any beginner, brave enough to undertake such a challenge it generally ended in disaster, like a stray sheep throwing the rest of the flock into disarray. L:1/8 Q:399 M:12/8 K:Edor B2 E EDE B,2 E EFG|F2 D DCD Adc BAF| B2 E EDE B,2 E EFG|[1~F3 ABA FED Edc:|[2~F3 ABA FED E2 z|| ||BeB e2 f g2 f e2 c|d2 B ABG FAF DFd| BeB e2 f g2 f e2 g|f3 A(B/c/d) e3 e2 z| BeB e2 f g2 f e2 c|d2 B ABG FAF DEF| E3 FEF GFG AGA|BAB def e3 edc|] X:16 T:Sliding R:slide C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Having enjoyed playing for Sets Ceilis all over the North with fiddle player, Charlie Woods, I composed these slides with rather zany titles. One particular Set Dance, The Ballyvourney Jig Set consists of five individual figures, and when danced non-stop consists of 552 bars of music. For any beginner, brave enough to undertake such a challenge it generally ended in disaster, like a stray sheep throwing the rest of the flock into disarray. L:1/8 Q:399 M:12/8 K:A A3 (4(ABcd) e3 edc|d3 dcB c3 c2 B| A3 (4(ABcd) efe edc|[1ded c2 B A3 a2 z:|[2ded c2 B A3 z|| ||((3efg)|a3 aba g3 gag|f3 agf e3 e2 z| f2 d d2 fe2 c c3|efe dcB Acd efg| a3 aba g3 gag|f3 agf e3 e2 z| fdf agf ece agf|efe dcB A3 A2 z|] X:17 T:Generally Colliding R:slide C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Having enjoyed playing for Sets Ceilis all over the North with fiddle player, Charlie Woods, I composed these slides with rather zany titles. One particular Set Dance, The Ballyvourney Jig Set consists of five individual figures, and when danced non-stop consists of 552 bars of music. For any beginner, brave enough to undertake such a challenge it generally ended in disaster, like a stray sheep throwing the rest of the flock into disarray. L:1/8 Q:399 M:12/8 K:D ABc|d2 A F2 D G2 B BAG|F2 A d2 f e3 e2 g| f2 d A2 F G2 B B2 G|[1ABA GFE D3:|[2ABA GFE D3 D2 z|| ||f2 d A2 F GBd g2 e|f2 d Adf e3 e2 g| f2 d A2 F GBd g2 e|faf gec d3 a2 g| f2 d A2 F GBd g2 e|f2 d Adf e3 e2 g| f2 d A2 F G2 B B2 G|ABA GFE D3|] X:18 T:An Fhidil ina Thost T:The Silent Fiddle R:slide C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm N:with expression (rubato passages - listen to MP3 at URL above) D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:A composition in honour of one of the greatest fiddle players in the North, the late John Joe Gordon from Belleek who died in 2002. I still remember first hearing him play a lovely version of " The Harvest Home" in Ballyshannon years ago. Always a quiet genius. L:1/8 Q:244 M:3/4 K:Edor E2|B4 ({cB}A2)|B e3 d({ed}B)|AF EF| E B2 ({cB}A) Be|d>c B3 ({cB}A)|B2 cd e2-|e4 Bc/d/| e d3 B2|A F2 G2 B|AF EB ({c/B/}A)F EF|({A}D6)-|D3 (3dc=c:| [2G>B ({c/B/}A2) F>({A/F/}D)|E6-|E4|] X:19 T:The Knock's Session R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H: Every Sunday night a great gathering of musicians, singers, dancers and storytellers would while away the night in the Knocks Community Hall which is located about three miles from Lisnaskea. The session invited everyone from beginner to professional to entertain in this very friendly music circle  L:1/8 Q:366 M:C| K:D E|FAAB ADFA|BdcB ADDE|FAAB ADFA|(B/c/d) AF E3 D| FAAB ADFA|BdcB A2 dc|BdAd GdFd|GECE D3:| |:E|FA A/A/A fA A/A/A|fAeA dAFA|GBeG FAdf|edcB AB (3(GAG)| FA A/A/A fA A/A/A|fAeA dAFA|GBeG FAdF|GECE D3:| X:20 T:The Lettered Cave R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:A cave situated high on the top of the Knockmore mountain range about three miles outside the village of Derrygonnelly. The Celtic designs and indicating arrows were etched into the limestone rock during the penal times in Ireland. L:1/8 Q:366 M:C| K:A C2 EC D2 FA|GABc AFED|CE ~E2 DEFA|ECA,C B,3 D| C2 EC D2 FA|GABc AFED|CE ~E2 DFED|[1CEB,E A,2 AE:|[2CEB,E A,3 z|| |:cBcd eAce|faaf ecAG|~F3 A EFAB|cedc B3 z| cBcd eAce|faaf ecAG|FDAF EC ~C2|[1B,A,CB, A,3 z:|[2B,A,CB, A,B,CD|| |:E3 F E2 AG|FDDC A,DFD|EAAG ABcA|BAGF EDCD| E3 F E2 AG|FDDC A,DFD|EAAF GABd|[1(3(cec) Bc A2 CD:|[2cABG A3 z|] X:21 T:The Rhythm Reel R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:One of the first reels I composed with a view to playing it for set dance sessions. L:1/8 Q:366 M:C| K:D AG|FD D/D/D A,DFA|dcBA FDA,D|B,EED EFGB|edcA GECE| FD D/D/D A,DFA|dcBA FDA,A|BG ~G2 edcA|GECE D2:| |:ef|gB ~B2 GBgb|fA A/A/A FAd^d|eA A/A/A GABc|dfeg fdef| gB ~B2 GBgb|fA A/A/A FDAf|edcB AF (3(GFE)|D2 C2 D2:| X:22 T:The Two Lovers Waltz R:Waltz C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:A tune I penned in 2001 as part of a music project. L:1/8 Q:244 M:3/4 K:Bdor C2|B,3 ({C/B,}A,) B,C|D4 F2|E3 F A2|B4 dc| B4 AF|E C3 ({DC}B,)C|A,6-|A,4 F,2| B,3 ({C/B,}A,) B,C|D4 F2|E3 F A2|B4 dc| B4 AF|E C3 F2|B,6-|B,4:| |:F2|B3 c BA|F3 d cB|A3 F EC|A,4 (3FGA| B3 c BA|F2 E2(3FGA|B6|B4 dc| B3 A FD|E4 AF|E2 EC B,C|A,4 F,2| B,2 ({D/C/}B,)A, B,C|F2 E3 C|B,6|B,4|] X:23 T:Deery from Derry R:Waltz C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:During a music session one night in Enniskillen a member of the audience called Tony Deery requested some O'Carolan music. He and I talked about how O'Carolan visited all the big houses around Ireland and in return for their hospitality he would compose a tune in honour of his hosts. "Would it be possible to have a tune composed in our name?" Asked Deery. "Surely I'll give it a try" I replied. This tune was composed with an O'Carolan type feel to it. L:1/8 Q:288 M:3/4 K:D EG|F3 E D2|F2 G2 A2|B2 d2 B2|A4-AG| F3 E D2|F2 G2 A2|B2 BA GF|E4 EG| F3 E D2|F2 G2 A2|B2 d2 B2|A4 Bc| d2 A2 F2|G2 E2 C2|D3 E DC|D4:| |:(3ABc|d3 e dB|c2 B2 c2|d2 A2 G2|F3 E D2| g2 Ba ge|f3 e d2|B3 c df|e2 c2 (3ABc| d3 e dB|c2 B2 c2|d2 A2 G2|F3 E D2| [1gf ed cB|AB cA Bc|d3 e dc|d4:| [2gf ed cB|AG FE DC|D2 F2 A2|d4|] X:24 T:Le Sel de Bretagne R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Set in the lovely landscape of Britanny lies this lovely village home to great musicians, singers and dancers who enjoy and share their musical lives to the full. L:1/8 Q:300 M:C| K:Bmin C|B,B({d}B)A FEED|(3(CDE) B,E A,ECE|B,cBA FEEF|ABce cBBc| dcBA FEED|(3(CDE) B,E A,ECE|B,cBA FEEF|AFED CB,B,|| ||z|F(B{c}B)A Bcdf|ecBc AFE2|F(B{c}B)A BcdB|AFEC (3A,A,B, CE| F(B{c}B)A Bcdf|ecBc AFED|FD ~D2 EC ~C2|DFEC B,3|] X:25 T:The Peake Dancers R:reel C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:The Peake School of Dancing in Fermanagh has produced some of the finest dancers who are recognized all over Ireland and Europe for their stunning dancing displays. Their performances have prompted many standing ovations and encores wherever they appear. L:1/8 Q:366 M:C| K:F#min F3 c AF ~F2|AFAc fcAF|E3 F GABc|dcBA GF E2| F3 c AF ~F2|AFAc f3 z|[1~c3 d edcd|BAGE F2 cA:|[2dcBd cBAc|BAGE F2|| |:cd|e3 f eA c/d/e|fgaf ecAc|e2ef ecAc|afec Bcd^d| e2 ef eAce|fgaf ecAc|dcBd cBAG|[1F2 F/F/F F2:|[2F2 F/F/F F2 cA|] X:26 T:The Plain of the Deer T:Ma na Bh Fianna (Monea) R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:Ma na Bh Fianna (Monea) Saint Faber's deer found a safe haven from the hounds of baron O' Phelan and blessed Monea saying "Green Monea I pray you may have fields and fountains fair. Twas where Saint Faber's deer arrived alive and hurtless there". L:1/8 Q:333 M:12/8 K:A z|e3 edB A3 AB/c/d|e2 a g2 f e2 d Bcd| e3 edB A3 AB/c/d|e2 fd2 e B2 B Bcd| e3 edB A3 AB/c/d|e2 a g2 f e2 d Bcd| ~e3 Bcd ~d3 Bcd|c3 deB A3 A2:| |:=g|f3 agf eca ecA|fed cdB Ace f2 e| fdf agf eca ecA|fed cdB A3 A2:| X:27 T:Correl Glen R:jig C:Jim McGraw O:Co. Fermanagh, Ireland S:http://www.cranfordpub.com/recordings/mcgraw.htm D:Melodious Accord, Jim McGraw Z:psc H:An area of outstanding beauty which is part of the Ulster Way outside Derrygonnelly. Raging waterfalls, scenic hills are a most enjoyable and peaceful weekend retreat for many. L:1/8 Q:300 M:6/8 K:A z|EAc efe|dcB cea|fed cBA|B2 A =GFE| EAc efe|dcB c2 E|F/G/AF E