Cranford Publications
Online Store
Based in rural Cape
Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, Cranford
specializes in the Celtic Fiddle Music from Cape Breton, Ireland and
Scotland. We create and distribute new and historical books of music
notation and related recordings.
To browse within
this store, choose a category at left - OR - use the buttons above.
If you know what you want, it is quickest to use the SEARCH
BUTTON above. If you want to explore, access to sound clips, sample tunes and
more information, you may prefer exploring the main Cranford
Publications' site. The same 'buy me buttons' linking to the secure server are found on pages both in this store, and from individual books and recording pages located on the information part of the cranfordpub.com
This store is located on a secure
server. Note
that a shopping cart system requires your browser to have cookies
enabled. You can add or delete from the basket until you check out.
If you leave the store without checking out, and then return, your
shopping basket remains active for one week (so you can come back to
finish shopping as time permits).