Tunes for Buddy 

Buddy MacMaster

During his lifetime, two documentary films were made about Buddy. They have been recompiled to one long play DVD ... Buddy - The DVD including:

  • Buddy in Concert (53:50)
  • The Master of Cape Breton Fiddle (52:48)

 Buddy also made 5 CD recordings:

  1. Judique on the Floor 1987
  2. Glencoe Hall c. 1992- o/p
  3. The Judique Flyer 2000
  4. Cape Breton Tradition 2003 - o/p
  5. Natalie and Buddy 2006
  6. h
Sound clips and transcriptions are posted adjacent to many of the pages devoted to his CDs and DVD.

One of the most loved Cape Breton fiddlers of his generation, Buddy (Hugh A.) MacMaster passed away in the summer of 2014. During his lifetime, local composers often gave their newest compositions to Buddy as soon as they made them ... and many of those tunes were penned specifically for him.

Not a composer himself, Buddy put his creative forces into interpretation. When he learned a tune from a book you'd swear it was either one he'd made - or a classic recalled from the distant past.

Below is a sampling of tunes composed for Buddy (ordered somewhat chronologically):

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